Together to Transform brought together 41 collaborators across 29 countries. The project united academics with community-based practitioners, activists, caregivers, and people with lived experience.
Our collaborators
André Janse van Rensburg
Centre for Rural Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Andrew Gibbs
South African Medical Research Council
Angi Yoder-Maina
Green String Network
Ashraf Kagee
Stellenbosch University
Claire van der Westerhuizen
University of Cape Town
Crick Lund
King’s College London
Dan Taylor
Mindfreedom Ghana
Dorcas Efe Mensah
Dörte Bemme
King’s College London
Emilia Zamora
King’s College London
Georgina Miguel Esponda
King’s College London
Giselle Dass
Child, Adolescent and Family Services
Hanna Kienzler
King’s College London
Hannah Jennings
University of York
Jasmine Kalha
Centre for Mental Health, Law & Policy
Jenevieve Mannell
University College London
June Larrieta
Ember Mental Health
Kaaren Mathias
University of Canterbury
Kaustubh Joag
Centre for Mental Health, Law & Policy
Kenneth Ae-Ngibise
Kintampo Health Research Centre
Lily Kpobi
University of Ghana
Maria Cecilia Dedios Sanguineti
London School of Economics
May Aoun
Save the Children
Meenal Rawat
Mercilene Machisa
South African Medical Research Council
Milena Wuerth
King’s College London
Nicola Van der Merwe
Waves for Change
Nicole D’souza
Listening to One Another (McGill University)
Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda
Rozaria Memorial Trust, Actionaid
Onaiza Quershi
Interactive Research and Development
Rita Giacaman
Birzeit University
River Újhadbor
King’s College London
Rochelle Burgess
University College London
Samantha Willan
South African Medical Research Council
Shubham Kumar Sinha
Sumeet Jain
University of Edinburgh
Tatiana Salisbury
King’s College London
Tessa Roberts
King’s College London
Ursula Read
Warwick University
Weeam Hammoudeh
Bierzeit University
Zeinab Hijazi